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Publisher :

Association « Les Champs du Possible »

2 route de Mondoucet, 28200 CHÂTEAUDUN (France)

06 74 06 66 20 – contact[@]

Association governed by the law of July 1, 1901.

President and responsible of the publication : Philippe VIGIER

The responsible publisher is an individual.

Hosting provider : PROGICA S.A.S. – 12 place des Etats-Unis – 92120 Montrouge – FRANCE
CAAGIS – Quartier de Baye – Avenue André Coudray – BP3 – 84110 Vaison la Romaine – France

Design :

CATS Technologies Services

12 place des États-Unis, 92127 Montrouge CEDEX

Photo credits :

The photos used are provided by Freepik or the Association « Les Champs du Possible ».

Registered trademarks :

  • Facebook is a registered trademark of Facebook Inc.
  • Twitter is a registered trademark of Twitter Inc.
  • YouTube is a registered trademark of Google Inc.

Terms of Use

By accessing this website and the information it contains, the internet user, hereinafter referred to as the « User », acknowledges having read these General Terms of Use, hereinafter referred to as the « GTU », and agrees to comply with them. The publisher reserves the right to modify these GTU at any time, in particular to adapt them to changes on the website. The User therefore undertakes to consult them regularly. The latest version is deemed accepted upon each new connection to the website.

Presentation and purpose of the website

The present website is an informational and presentation site intended for the public regarding the activities of the Association « Les Champs du Possible », including its services, startups, partners, and events.

Conditions of access

This website is subject to French law. The majority of the content and services on this website are offered in French and English. In case of dispute, the French version shall prevail.

The present site is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except in cases of force majeure, acts of third parties, and/or maintenance work and interventions necessary for the proper functioning of the site. In such cases, this interruption will be notified by means of a warning displayed on the homepage or by any other method. This interruption cannot under any circumstances engage the responsibility of the publisher and does not entitle to any compensation.

Access to this website is free, excluding internet access and telephone communications, the costs of which are billed directly by the operators.

Intellectual property

This website must be considered as an indivisible whole. With all the elements contained therein (information, data, text, sounds, images, drawings, graphics, distinctive signs, logos, trademarks, etc.), they are the exclusive property of the publisher or its partners and are subject to the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code. As such, they are protected against any unauthorized use by law or these terms of use.

The reproduction of these elements is only authorized for informational purposes and/or for copies or reproductions intended for strictly private and personal use. Any other reproduction, representation, or distribution, in whole or in part, of the content of this site, on any medium or by any means whatsoever, is prohibited. Failure to comply with this prohibition constitutes infringement liable to civil and criminal liability of the infringer.

Warning about the information disseminated

The publisher of this website strives to ensure the accuracy and updating of the information disseminated on this site, of which it reserves the right to correct the content at any time and without notice. However, the publisher cannot guarantee the completeness or absence of modification by a third party (intrusion, virus, etc.).

The User is informed that the content of this website is for purely informational purposes. The information contained therein cannot be assimilated to an offer to the public, a solicitation, or a solicitation from the publisher to the User.

Hypertext links

This website may contain information provided by external companies or hypertext links to other sites that have not been developed by the publisher.

The existence, on this website, of a hypertext link leading to another site does not constitute an endorsement of that other site or its content. The User decides, under his sole responsibility, to access another site through a hypertext link: the publisher assumes no responsibility for these sites, their content, advertisements, products, or services available on or from these sites.

Par ailleurs, la responsabilité de l’éditeur ne saurait être engagée quant aux informations, opinions et recommandations formulées par ces tiers.

Finally, any hypertext link to this website must be subject to express and prior authorization from the publisher, who reserves the right to request the removal of this link at any time.


In general, the User agrees to respect the integrity of the site and undertakes not to hinder or force the operation of the site, not to modify, alter, or fraudulently delete the content accessible via the site, and not to fraudulently introduce data into the site. Consequently, the publisher cannot be held responsible :

  • in case of misuse of the site by the User ;
  • for the reliability of data transmission, access times, possible access restrictions on the internet network or connected networks ;
  • for the interruption of access networks to the Site, total or partial unavailability of the Site resulting notably from the telecommunications operator, in case of transmission errors or problems related to transmission security, in case of failures of receiving equipment or your telephone line.
Data protection policy

This personal data protection policy sets out how user data is processed within the scope of this site.
Users of this site may communicate personal data about themselves to the Association Les Champs du Possible, publisher of the site, by completing the forms or questionnaires on the site. This data may be subject to processing, automated or not, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of April 27, 2016, and under the conditions attached to each form or questionnaire.

Data controller and purpose

The personal data collected via the forms or questionnaires on this website are collected by the Association Les Champs du Possible, publisher of the site, acting as the data controller within the meaning of the GDPR.
In the context of the use of the site and its services, the personal data that you provide are collected and processed by the Association Les Champs du Possible for the purpose of processing requests expressed via the forms available to you. This data may also be processed for commercial prospecting purposes, subject to compliance with applicable regulations (right to object for prospecting by post and telephone – prior consent for prospecting carried out by electronic means). Furthermore, the cookies on the site are intended to enable the proper functioning of the site and to measure the audience of the site.

Characteristics of data usage and collection

You are not required to answer all the questions asked.
The mandatory nature of the information provided is indicated by the presence of an asterisk. Failure to provide this data will result in the impossibility for the Association Les Champs du Possible to process your request.

modality of exercice of your rights

You have rights regarding the personal data concerning you that we collect and process in the context of your use of the site, its services, and your requests. These rights are as follows :

  • Right of access, rectification, and erasure of data (inaccurate, incomplete, ambiguous, or outdated);
  • Right to object to the processing of your data at any time in the context of commercial prospecting;
  • Right to restriction of processing of your data under the conditions provided by the regulations;
  • Right to data portability;
  • Right to withdraw your consent at any time;
  • Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.

You can exercise these rights by writing a letter to the Association Les Champs du Possible, publisher of the site, at the following address :
Association Les Champs du Possible 2 route de Mondoucet 28200 CHÂTEAUDUN
or by email:

Recipients of the data

Your personal data (name, address, phone number) may be communicated to :

  • Any entity of the Association Les Champs du Possible for commercial prospecting purposes;
  • Our subcontractors for the sole purposes of subcontracting;
  • To our partners to enable you to benefit from the advantages of these partnerships;
  • To survey or polling institutes, acting on behalf of the Association Les Champs du Possible, for statistical purposes, knowing that you are not obliged to respond to their solicitations and that your data will be destroyed after processing.
Use of your data for prospecting purposes

In accordance with applicable regulations, any telephone prospecting, email, SMS/MMS, as well as any transfer or rental of data for prospecting purposes using these means, will only be carried out with the prior consent of the concerned user.
If you agree to receive such prospecting messages from the Association Les Champs du Possible by checking the acceptance boxes provided for this purpose on this site, you will be able to withdraw this consent at any time, and in particular each of the prospecting emails will offer you the opportunity to oppose future sending of new prospecting emails by the Association Les Champs du Possible, publisher of the site. Furthermore, if you do not wish to be subject to commercial prospecting by telephone, you can register on the Bloctel opposition list. (more information on the website
At any time and free of charge, you can oppose any prospecting by other means by writing to the contacts mentioned in the paragraph ‘Exercise of your rights’. Postage costs will be refunded upon request.


When consulting our website, information about your browsing may be recorded in ‘Cookies’ files installed on your device (computer, tablet, smartphone…), subject to the choices expressed regarding cookies, which you can modify at any time. These files stored on your computer are used to facilitate your access to the services we offer. The ‘cookies’ on this site do not contain data that allows us to personally identify you, and they are only used for the proper functioning and navigation of the site as well as for measuring traffic. Refusing to install a cookie may result in the inability to access certain services.

Privacy settings


Our concern is to preserve the quality and integrity of your personal data. The technologies and security policies applied ensure the protection of your personal data against any unauthorized access or misuse. The individuals who have access to the data are required to respect the privacy of the users of this site and the confidentiality of their data.